Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tiger Cafe: Urban Acres

On Wednesday, May 29, the scholars of the Tindley Prep Tiger Café took a field trip to Indy Urban Acres, a partnership between Gleaner’s Food Bank and the Indianapolis Parks and Recreation Department. Indy Urban Acres is an eight-acre urban farm and community garden on the east side of Indianapolis. All of the produce cultivated on the land is donated to local food banks and nutrition programs, and members of the neighborhood can grow crops of their own in community plots.

Students learned about growing plants, composting, beekeeping, raised beds, egglaying hens, and a variety of other facts about where their food comes from. Many were so surprised to see what their food looked like when it was growing out of the ground! They got to sample some fresh spinach and other vegetables growing on the farm. Each scholar then got to plant some bean sprouts in soil, which they could take home to start gardens of their own.

See pictures in the link below.